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Старый 20.11.2012, 02:43   #81
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(А) Если показатель эстрадиола высокий (выше 30), показатель общего тестостерона попадает в средний или высокий нормальный уровень, а показатель свободного тестостерона ниже высокого нормального уровня, вы должны предпринять следующие шаги:
1. Убедитесь что вы употр***яете 80-90мг цинка в день. Цинк является натуральным ингибитором ароматазы для некоторых мужчин.
2. Употр***яйте 110мг изофлавонов сои (фитоэстрогенов) ежедневно. Фитоэстрогены конкурируют с эстрогенами за клеточные рецепторы и стимулируют печень утилизировать избыток эстрогенов. Крестоцветные овощи типа брокколи и цветной капусты так же стимулируют печень избавлятся от избытка эстрогенов.
3. Уменьшите или прекратите совсем потр***ение алкоголя. Этим вы поможете печени бороться с избытком эстрогенов .
4. Внимательно пересмотрите весь список используемых вами лекарств, чтобы найти те которые препятствуют здоровому функционированию печени. Наиболее распространенные препараты задевающие печень это NSAIDs (ибупрофен, аспирин), препараты понижающие холестерол, некоторые препараты от артериального давления и сердца и некоторые анти-депрессанты. Интересно заметить, что препараты выписываемые для лечения депрессии, на самом деле делают проблему еще хуже изза понижения уровня тестостерона.
5. Сбросьте вес. Жировые клетки, особенно в абдоминальной области, производят энзим ароматазы.
6. Если вышеперечисленное не помогло, используйте Аримидекс в маленькой дозе, 0.5мг дважды в неделю. Эта дозировка даст существенное снижение уровня эстрогена и повышение уровня свободного тестостерона до нормального уровня.
(В) Если уровень свободного тестостерона попадает в нижние две трети референсного диапазона, общий тестостерон лежит в высоком нормальном уровне и уровень эстрадиола не превышает 30 :
1. Рассмотрите предыдущие пункты для подавления ароматазы, т.к. те факторы так же ответственны за повышенный уровень ГСПГ.
2. Принимайте 320мг крайне важного экстракта saw palmetto (карликовая пальма) и 240мг экстракта крапивы (Urtica dioica). Крапива снижает уровень ГСПГ, в то время как пальметто блокирует рецепторы в простате, предотвращая стимулирующие эффекты тестостерона и дегидротестостерона. Пальметто так же предотвращает окисление тестостерона до андростендиона, который может быть причиной развития некоторых патологий простаты.
(С) Если уровень общего тестостерона попадает в нижние две трети диапазона и уровень свободного тестостерона низок:
1. Проверьте уровень ЛГ. Если уровень ЛГ ниже нормального, доктор может прописать вам индивидуальные дозы ХГЧ. ХГЧ имитирует ЛГ и может/должен восстановить нормальное тестикулярное производство тестостерона.
2. После месяца использования ХГЧ анализ крови должен показать существенное увеличение тестостерона. Еще вы можете заметить визуальное увеличение яичников. Восстановив уровень тестостерона, мониторьте уровни эстрадиола и свободного тестостерона каждые 30-45 дней первые 5 месяцев, чтобы убедиться что экзогенный тестостерон повышает ваш уровень свободного тестостерона, не повышая при этом эстрадиола.
(D) Если уровень общего тестостерона по прежнему низок, несмотря на ХГЧ терапию, это означает что ваши тестикулы утратили способность производить тестостерон. В этом случае начните терапию с помощью тестостеронового пластыря или крема, не используйте иньекции и таблетки. Перед началом терапии сдайте анализ на ПСА и пройдите мануальную проверку простаты. Восстановив уровень тестостерона до нормального, мониторьте уровни эстрадиола, ПСА и свободного тестостерона каждый 30-45 дней первые 6 месяцев, чтобы убедиться что экзогенный тестостерон метаболизируется правильным образом. Ваша цель поднять уровень свободного тестостерона до верхней трети референсного диапазона, не увеличивая и контролируя при жтом уровень эстрадиола.
Помните, избыточный уровень эстрогенов (эстрадиола) блокирует продукцию тестостерона, подавляет либидо и сексуальные возможности и является фактором риска в развитии рака простаты и сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний. Урегулировав здоровый уровень тестостерона (верхняя треть значений диапазона) и эстрадиола (не более 30), продолжайте мониторить кровь на ключевые показатели а-ля свободный/общий тестостерон, ПСА, эстрадиол и т.д. Для мужчин 40-50 лет коррекция уровня эстрадиола зачастую все, что необходимо и должно быть сделано
Пункт 3.6 Армидекс...это уже от меня (Вилл), а именно целесообразность его применения т.к. цена в 60-т раз выше Тамоксифена !!!!
Re: Аримидекс или Тамоксифен
Совсем недавно было завершено очень большое клиническое исследование, сравнивавшее у женщин в пременопаузе, которым проводилось выключение функции яичников (назначением золадекса) эффективность ингибиторов ароматазы и тамоксифена. К сожалению, преимуществ назначения ингибиторов ароматазы в такой ситуации выявлено не было. Разумеется, остается шанс на то, что от ИА ароматазы все же выигрывала какая то подгруппа (больные с HER2 позитивными опухолями или при большом количестве пораженных лимфоузлов) в рамках исследования, но эффект "расстворился" в общей популяции больных, которым это не принесло пользы, однако если это и так, то выигрыш огромным не назовешь. В любом случае, согласно международным рекомендациям у женщин до наступления естественной менопаузы тамоксифен (+/- выключение функции яичников) является стандартным подходом. Вопрос о том, нужно ли будет в вашей ситуации (искуственная менопауза) после 2-3 лет приема тамоксифена переходить на прием ингибиторов ароматазы (как это делают при наступлении естественной менопаузы) или продолжать прием тамоксифена до 5 лет остается без ответа, т.к. однозначных исследований в этом отношении нет. Возможно, когда придет время решать (т.е. спустя 2-3 года от начала приема тамоксифена) ответ придет сам собой (если, например, появятся побочные действия тамоксифена, что потребует замены). Но в настоящее время однозначных показаний к переходу на ИА у Вас нет.
Согласно международным рекомендациям у женщин в постменопаузе есть несколько вариантов адьвантной эндокринотерапии (эффективность и безопасность которых не различается настолько, чтобы рекомендовать какой либо конкретный). 1. Ингибиторы ароматазы 5 лет, 2. тамоксифен 2-3 года, затем ингибиторы ароматазы до суммарной длительности эндокринотерапии 5 лет, 3. тамоксифен 5 лет, затем ингибиторы ароматазы 5 лет. Выбирайте любой... Разумеется, после беседы с врачом. По поводу ужаса побочных эффектов и низкой эффективности тамоксифена, повторюсь еще раз, слухи об этом сильно преувеличены с легкой руки фармацевтических фирм, производящих ингибиторы ароматазы. Вот простой пример - так пугаюющий Вас рак эндометрия, действительно, встречался чаще в группе больных, получавших тамоксифен в рамках больших рандомизированных исследований (по сравнению с ингибиторами ароматазы). Однако, посмотрим на абсолютные цифры. Из 4000 больных, принимавших тамоксифен, гиперплазия эндометрия (доброкачественная, для лечения которой необходимо лишь выскабливание и замена тамоксифена на ИА) или рак эндометрия (его частота даже не указана отдельно, а был он гораздо реже, чем гиперплазия) развились у 62 (2%), а среди 4000 принимавших ИА у 10 (0,3%). При этом, ИА тоже не лишены определенной токсичности, которой меньше у тамоксифена (например, риск остеопороза и переломов костей, боли в суставах и т.д.). Поэтому, с моей точки зрения, наиболее выгоден режим использования тамоксифена 2-3 года, а затем ИА до 5 лет (эффективность сопоставима, а побочные эффекты каждого из препаратов пациент испытывает на себе лишь половину "срока")

Excellent information on how to prevent Breast Cancer! http://www.all-new-you.com/1books.html
Chapter 8 provides an overview of Estriol and clearly explains why it is considered the safest form of estrogen replacement.
Subheadings in this chapter are:
"Estriol: The Perfect Designer Estrogen"
"Why We Don't Know More about Estriol"
"Estriol as an Alternative ERT"
"Estriol Protects against Breast and Uterine Cancer"
"High Levels of Estriol Mean Lower Risk of Breast Cancer"
"Estriol Prevents Vaginal Atrophy"
"Estriol Helps Protect Your Bones"
"Estriol Relieves Hot Flashes and Night Sweats without Stimulating Uterine Growth"
"Estriol Doesn't Cause Blood Clots, but other Estrogens Do"
"Estriol Protects the Skin from Aging"
"The Best SERM Nature has to offer"
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Старый 22.11.2012, 05:16   #82
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Iodine a promising breast cancer treatment
Rub away cancer?
Q: A friend of mine said she read a few years ago in your newsletter that iodine can be used to treat breast cancer. How is it administered?
Dr. Wright: Iodine kills breast cancer cells without killing off normal cells in the process. In other words, it’s ideal for both the treatment and prevention of breast cancer.
A suggestion for you and your doctor to consider: Put the treatment right onto the problem! Mix a solution of 50 percent iodine/50 percent DMSO and rub it directly onto your breast as near as possible to where the cancer is (or used to be). The DMSO will ensure penetration deep into the tissue. A 70-percent DMSO solution is widely available, and iodine is available by prescription as Lugol’s Iodine and in natural food stores and the Tahoma Clinic Dispensary as Triodide (from Scientific Botanicals). If you’re worried about the breast cancer spreading, you can also rub the mixture into the area under the arms that is rich in lymph glands (nodes) where breast cancer spreads first.
But please don’t do any of the above without consulting a physician skilled and knowledgeable in the use of high-dose iodine!
You should also be sure that your physician monitors your thyroid function and gives you other nutrient suggestions while you use iodine as an adjunct to your regular breast cancer treatment. (To find a physician, check with the International College of Integrative Medicine, www.icimed.com, (419) 358-0273.)
Secret #1
Как снизить уровень плохого холестерина без фармацевтических химических препаратов.How to drop your cholesterol level by as much as 134 points without drugs or deprivation
“The doctor I saw for my check-up wants me totake a cholesterol-lowering drug,” David MacElroy
began, “and his wife won’t let him!” Wendy MacElroy
finished. “He finally took a step to check on and protect his health, and I won’t let him take that…that poison as a result.”
That’s what brought the MacElroys to my office at the Tahoma Clinic.
David admitted that he’d been a junk food eater all his life. His father and grandfather died from heart attacks at ages 56 and 61. With David’s cholesterol level at 322 and his HDL or “good” cholesterol at 34, he was definitely at high risk.
Determining the proper diet I asked David to follow a low-fat diet (although not
everyone benefits from low fat) and also explained the idea of “good fat” and “bad fat” to him. Until recently,
the general consensus among mainstream health “authorities” was that saturated fats are bad and unsaturated fats are good. But as some research supporting high-fat, high-protein diets (like the Atkins diet) suggests, it’s not quite that simple.
There’s only one general type of fat that you should always avoid, and that’s the artificial, manmade type of fats––especially hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. You’ve probably noticed that these oils have been inserted into a myriad of products in the supermarket.
Snack foods are the worst offenders: Try to find a potato or corn chip without it and you’ll see what I mean. Even natural food stores carry a lot of products that contain partially hydrogenated oils. Make sure to read the labels of the packaged foods you buy. If it contains hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil, don’t buy it.
So these man-made fats are definitely the ones you should stay away from. But you can’t go without any fat at all. Essential fatty acids are definitely a must. The best way to make sure you are getting enough essential fatty acids is to eat whole foods containing them. The best food sources are fish and unroasted nuts and seeds.
Other naturally occurring fats (polyunsaturated,
monounsaturated, and even saturated) are also safe as long as you eat them as part of a whole, unprocessed,
unrefined diet. Even though milk, ice cream, and cheese aren’t on
that list of man-made fats to avoid at all costs, it’s still a good idea to eliminate as much dairy from your diet
as possible. Dairy is one of the most common food allergens and just generally does more harm than good.
It’s like I always say (and I’m sure you’ll read this from me again in future issues of Nutrition & Healing): Milk is for baby cows––not people!
On the other hand, you should eat eggs. They’ve gotten a bad reputation because of their cholesterol
content. But they contain phospholipids, which offset any possible adverse effects of egg cholesterol. Plus,
phospholipids have a unique function in keeping brain cell membranes healthy. Eggs and soy are the only dietary sources of phospholipids. Soy is still rather controversial, and while I don’t think it’s necessary to give it up entirely, I do think it’s a good idea to limit how
much you eat to just a couple of servings a week at the most. So eggs are your only other food option for getting those nutrients that are crucial to brain cells. Also try to include plenty of the following in your diet as good cholesterol-lowering foods: garlic,
onions, oat bran, carrots, and alfalfa sprouts.

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Старый 22.11.2012, 05:48   #83
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Supplement, supplement, supplement!
There are so many vitamins, minerals, and botanicals known to lower serum cholesterol that drugs are almost never necessary. There’s inositol hexaniacinate, lecithin, pantethine, L-carnatine, beta-sitosterol, fish
oil and fish-oil concentrates, phosphatidyl choline, choline itself (usually with inositol and methionone), vitamin C, calcium, vanadium, magnesium, chromium, and vitamin E, which have all been found to raise levels of HDL cholesterol, the “good” cholesterol. Then there are the botanicals, including guggulipid, garlic oil, “red yeast rice,” ginger, pectin, curcumin, fenugreek powder, reishi mushrooms, silymarin, turmeric, garcinia, and artichokes.
But perhaps the most effective way to lower cholesterol naturally is with something called policosanol, a natural supplement derived from sugar cane. In numerous studies comparing it directly with patent cholesterol-lowering medicines, policosanol was moreeffective at lowering levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol.
But that’s not all. Unlike the patent medicine products, policosanol
also lowered triglyceride levels and elevated HDL
(good) cholesterol levels. In two studies, it also significantly lowered blood pressure as well.
The good news is that it does not require a prescription and is available at most natural food stores, compounding pharmacies, and even online. And it doesn’t come with the negative
side effects associated with statin drugs. You don’t need to take ALL of these different supplements, of course; the point is, there are so many to try that chances are good you won’t ever need to take cholesterol-lowering drugs.
David MacElvoy’s program:
David began taking vitamin E, the “mixed tocopherol” type, 400 IU daily; inositol hexaniacinate, 600 milligrams twice daily; vitamin C, 2 grams twice daily; and a high-potency multiple vitamin-mineral with at least
200 micrograms of chromium and 300 to 400 milligrams of magnesium. (You may need to get a separate multiple mineral if you can’t find a vitamin-mineral combination.)
And last, lecithin. Remember those phospholipids for brain cells? Besides eggs, soy lecithin is the only other diet source, and as a “bonus,” lecithin lowers serum cholesterol. Take two 19-grain capsules daily. After six months, David’s total cholesterol level was down to 237 and his HDL cholesterol level had risen to 41. At the end of one year, his numbers were
188 and 46––that means his total cholesterol dropped
an impressive 134 points!

But even better than just improving his “numbers,” David had substantially reduced his risk of following his father and grandfather to an early cardiac death. This exact combination of supplements and this diet
plan may not work for you. But there are many different combinations you can try. It’s best to check with a doctor skilled in natural and nutritional medicine who can help you tailor a supplement program suited exactly
for your needs. For a list of such doctors in your area, contact the American College for Advancement in
Medicine at (800)532-3688 or www.acam.org.
Cholesterol: How low should you go? Let’s face it: Much more attention is given to high cholesterol than low cholesterol. But like any other biologic marker, there’s always a range that’s “too high,”
“too low,” or “just right.”
I’m not denying that having high serum cholesterol carries a risk for heart disease. I’m just saying that many people probably don’t know that low serum
cholesterol may also carry risks––namely cancer, stroke, and depression.
All naturally occurring steroid hormones such as DHEA, estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, and pregnenolone are made in our bodies from a single starting material: cholesterol. And cholesterol is a key component in every cell membrane in our bodies.
That’s why it’s important not just to make sure cholesterol isn’t too high or too low, but that it’s just right. High serum cholesterol is usually considered at or above 200 mg/dl (milligrams per 100 cc’s of blood).
Low cholesterol is defined by many researchers as being at or below 160 mg/dl.
I pay particular attention to my patients’ low cholesterol levels when they get to be around 140 mg/dl and advise them to take manganese. Manganese is a
key co-factor in the transformation of cholesterol to steroid hormones. Although manganese doesn’t raise serum cholesterol to the normal range 100 percent of the time, it is partially or completely effective in more
than 50 percent of the cases. I usually recommend 50 milligrams of manganese citrate, once or twice daily.
Once your level returns to normal, you can cut your dose to 10 to 15 milligrams a day.
There is one caution in regards to manganese supplementation: Very high levels of manganese intake have been found to cause Parkinson’s disease in manganese miners and other industrial workers. However, case reports of manganese poisoning from oral intake are extremely rare (only one case report exists of toxicity from supplementation; others have been from well water with excess manganese).
But in my 30 years of practice, I’ve never observed problems from the doses necessary to raise low serum cholesterol.
The high-fat/low-fat debate: choosing which diet is best for you
There are two basic approaches to a cholesterollowering diet: The first is the politically correct, lowfat, high-complex-carbohydrate plan, which was the mainstay of nutritional “experts” for years. And there’s also the high-protein, low-carbohydrate approach. It seems strange that such opposite plans can both work, but remember that no one diet is best for every person

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High-protein diets work well for many people struggling with cholesterol problems because these individuals’ bodies generally manufacture much more insulin than others in response to sugar, refined carbohydrates, and excess carbs in general. This overproduction of insulin causes the liver to produce too much total cholesterol and triglycerides, and not enough HDL cholesterol.
Insulin is one of the hormones that regulates blood sugar. Some people (especially if they have type 2 diabetes or even have a genetic family tendency toward type 2 diabetes) have high insulin levels that go up much more rapidly in response to sugar and carbohydrate intake. In this case, the insulin is not used properly by the cell membranes, so the insulin can’t take the sugar from the blood into the cells as it’s supposed to. Then, their bodies keep making more and more insulin to try to force the sugar from the blood into the cells. The excess insulin causes other problems, including high blood pressure and cholesterol abnormalities.
Just recently, more and more evidence has been coming out in favor of the high-protein, low-carb approach to lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. In fact, according to a study published in the May 22, 2003 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine,
people following a high-protein diet for six months had higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol and bigger decreases in triglyceride levels than those people following a low-fat diet. There was no difference between the groups’ LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, which shows that restricting protein and fat intake doesn’t do as much to help cholesterol levels as the “experts” once thought. It’s possible that many people with weight problems have them due to this excess insulin response to sugar and carbohydrates. If your cholesterol levels are high, ask your doctor to administer a glucose-insulin tolerance test, which can tell you how much insulin your body makes in response to a standard amount of sugar.
Then you can make an informed choice about your diet. The hidden high cholesterol culprit you might not be looking for Saturated fat gets a lot of blame when it comes to high cholesterol. Carbohydrates come in a close second. While they’re both important factors, they aren’t
the only ones to consider. Diets high in saturated fat are responsible for approximately one in five cases of high serum cholesterol, and high carbohydrate intake is responsible for approximately one in three. That still leaves a little less than half of all high serum cholesterol cases unaccounted for. The fact is, if you have high cholesterol, you may need to look further than your diet to find the real culprit.
Researchers from the Japanese National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences think they may have found a missing piece of the cholesterol puzzle. They discovered that small quantities of lead caused elevated serum cholesterol in experimental animals. In their experiments they found that lead induces the genes responsible for creating the liver enzymes that produce cholesterol.
To compound the problem, lead also suppresses a gene responsible for the production of a liver enzyme that breaks down and destroys cholesterol. With cholesterol production “turned on” and cholesterol breakdown “turned off” by lead, the animals’serum cholesterol increased significantly. Although the lead/cholesterol connection hasn’t been proven by research on humans yet, it still helps to explain some observations that holistic doctors have made over the years. Holistic doctors who do chelation therapy (a process that removes lead and other
toxic metals from the body) have noted that cholesterol levels often drop after chelation. If you’ve tried following a strict diet and your
serum cholesterol is still high, have a physician skilled and knowledgeable in nutritional and natural medicine
check your lead levels. The most accurate way to test for lead is to get an intravenous drip of a chelating
agent (EDTA is typically used for lead chelation) followed by a six- to eight-hour urine collection, which is then tested for lead and other toxic metals.
If a chelation test shows you have too much lead (or other toxic heavy metal) in your system, work with your physician to get the lead out. Not only will it help your serum cholesterol levels, but it will also help lots of other natural biochemical processes in your body operate better.
Secret #2
How to drop your blood pressure by
20, 30, or even 40 points––naturally

The mainstream medical industry certainly seems determined to get us all on patent hypertension (blood pressure) medications. With the new guidelines issued by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, people whose blood pressure levels were once considered well below normal (a 120 over 80 reading) suddenly became “pre-hypertensive”–– essentially overnight.
And, of course, one of the first recommendations out of all the so-called “experts’“ mouths was more widespread use of patent hypertension medications.
But you can beat high blood pressure––most of the time without drugs. And even if you can’t completely avoid patent medicines, taking the right natural measures may be able to help you use substantially less.
What works for someone else may not work for you. In many cases, the old saying “you are what you eat” holds true. It might do some good in some cases to cut out a few of the cream sauces and slices of pizza. In some cases, a diet containing more fruits, vegetables, and whole, natural starches rather than a lot of protein could be your best bet. However, the key words here are “in some cases” and “could.”
Decades ago, public health researchers observed
that women and men who had been strictly vegetarian
all their lives had lower blood pressure readings in their
60s and 70s than did men and women who ate considerable animal protein. A vegetarian diet provides a better potassium-to-sodium ratio. Having more potassium and less sodium helps regulate blood pressure. But a vegetarian diet isn’t the best choice for everyone and, in fact,could cause more harm than good for some.
People with high blood pressure who have personal or family histories of type 2 (adult onset) diabetes usually have insulin esistance/hyperinsulinemia.
The term insulin resistance refers to the impaired use of insulin by cell membranes. Hyperinsulinemia occurs when the pancreas overproduces insulin in an attempt to overcome insulin resistance. (Insulin resistance/hyperinsulinemia is easily diagnosed via a glucose-insulin tolerance test.)
Hyperinsulinemia is a known cause of high blood pressure. To bring insulin overproduction under control, the most necessary dietary changes are total elimination of sugar and refined carbohydrates and a sharp reduction in overall carbohydrate intake. It’s especially important to eliminate such starches as potatoes, beans, pasta, and grains. Obviously, this diet pattern is
not vegetarian, but, as it helps bring hyperinsulinism under control, blood pressure is also better regulated.
You can also take natural supplements to help regulate your insulin. There are so many nutrients shown to be helpful in type 2 diabetes that taking them all individually would be a real chore. You’ll find several “multiple” formulas designed specifically to aid in blood sugar control in natural food stores. The one helped formulate is called Glucobalance. (If you can’t
find it in your local natural food store, it’s available from the Tahoma Clinic Dispensary.) One of Glucobalance’s most important blood sugar controlling ingredients is chromium. Chromium helps to restore the
cell membrane response to insulin. There are also two more ingredients you should take in addition to Glucobalance or any other blood
sugar controlling multiple supplement. The first is niacin. With chromium, niacin forms part of a molecule called the glucose-tolerance factor, which helps insulin do its job. Both chromium and niacin will get your cells to pay attention to the insulin again, so your
insulin and blood sugar levels should go down. It’s important to do initial and follow-up testing with your
doctor to monitor your progress. Finally, you should also consider taking flaxseed or flaxseed oil capsules.
Flaxseed also helps your cells use insulin. However, there has been a shadow cast over it recently because it contains the essential fatty acid
alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which several studies have linked to a higher risk of prostate cancer and cataracts. While not all the research agreed, there’s definitely enough to be cause for concern.
However, these studies definitely aren’t the “last word” on ALA. It’s important to remember that ALAis an essential-to-life fatty acid, and it’s highly unlikely that Nature would require us to have it in order to survive if there was no way around these potential
negative effects. It’s very possible that another nutrient or several nutrients are involved in the ALA-prostate
cancer and ALA-cataract connection, and that using more (or less) of these would “erase” any possible
harm from higher levels of ALA.

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Unfortunately, researchers rarely consider nutrients in more complex
interactions. So it’ll likely be a long time until this aspect of the “ALA question” is considered. In the meantime, this does not mean that you need
to eliminate flaxseed and flaxseed oil from your diet! In addition to ALA there are many other healthful nutrients present, especially in whole flaxseed. However, it’s probably wisest to consult your nutritionally knowledgeable physician about what quantity of
flaxseed or flaxseed oil might be best for you. And since too much ALA can suppress “5-alpha-reductase”, if you’re a man, you might want to have your “5-alpha reductase” enzyme activity measured. This is easily done from a 24-hour urinary steroid test. Some physicians may also recommend a red blood cell membrane essential fatty acid test to make sure your ALA levels aren’t out of balance with other fatty acids.
Food allergy may be the culprit For some people with hypertension, food allergies can play a big part in the problem. Eliminating the allergens or desensitizing to them can help lower blood pressure levels, though no one has been able to successfully explain the connection. If you have a personal or family history of allergies, it’s worth investigating. Contact a member of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (316-684-5500; www.aaem.com) for a list of doctors near you who can help with thorough allergy screening.
The most notable individual case of allergy aggravated hypertension I’ve worked with involved a gentleman who was undergoing maximum antihypertensive drug therapy but still had blood pressure readings ranging from a minimum 180/120 to a maximum 220/150.
Once he discovered and eliminated all food allergies, his blood pressure dropped to a level ranging from 160/100 minimum to 180/120 maximum.
Biofeedback and exercise––old news, but underrated and underused Biofeedback is another valuable and frequently effective “non drug” tool for lowering blood pressure.
It’s not so much a “treatment” as it is a training program. Using external instruments, a reading is obtained of your body’s reactions to stress. Through practice, you learn to recognize the physiological responses you have that might be causing unhealthy reactions and teach yourself how to control those responses. Biofeedback centers are d in all major and most midsize cities. Check your local Yellow
Pages for listings. Exercise also can significantly lower high blood pressure. Even light exercise can make a big difference. The amount that’s healthy varies from person to person. Of course, it’s best to check with a doctor or other knowledgeable individual before starting a strenuous exercise program

If you’re concerned about blood pressure and wonder what your level might be, there are many places to
have it measured for free, including drugstores, fire
stations (when the firemen aren’t fighting fires), health
fairs, and “senior centers.” Home blood pressure monitoring equipment is quite accurate, and most places that sell it will teach you how to use it as well.
Nutrients: which to cut back on and which to increase
Sodium. You’ve probably heard that cutting WAY back on salt intake is an important step in lowering high blood pressure. However, researchers are finding more and more evidence that sodium restriction might not be best for everyone after all. If you have high blood pressure you might want to determine through trial and error whether or not salt restriction makes a
difference for you. Potassium. Sometimes it reduces blood pressure,
sometimes it doesn’t. Since a higher potassium level does reduce the risk of stroke, it’s always wisest to take extra potassium if you have high blood pressure, even if it doesn’t lower your actual blood pressure numbers.
Calcium and magnesium. For some individuals, about 1 gram (1,000 milligrams) of calcium daily can greatly reduce blood pressure by five to 10 points. For
others, calcium makes very little difference. It appears to work more often for those with insulin resistance/hyperinsulinemia. If you do supplement
with calcium, it’s important to balance it with magnesium. Magnesium by itself can lower your blood pressure level, since it helps relax muscles, including those of the smaller blood vessels, thus helping to dilate them and improve blood flow. Supplementing with 300 to 400 milligrams daily is usually sufficient.
Vitamin C. A recent research letter sent to the medical journal Lancet reconfirmed that vitamin C lowers elevated blood pressure. Although this study used less, you should take a minimum of 1 gram twice daily.
Vitamin D. During the last few years, I’ve observed significant reductions in blood pressure in people I`ve worked with when they take vitamin D supplements.
Vitamin D achieves its blood pressure lowering effect by addressing one of the major causes of high blood pressure—a substance called angiotensin II.
Without adequate vitamin D, one of your genes (a tiny part of your DNA) initiates the formation of excess quantities of a molecule called renin. Renin
breaks down another molecule, called angiotensinogen, into angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is converted into angiotensin II by a substance known as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). That’s why most popular
patented “space alien” antihypertensives are ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs).
But vitamin D helps prevent high blood pressure
by targeting the very first step in the process: It persuades the gene that controls the production of renin to become less active. When less renin is produced, less angiotensin is produced.
While vitamin D is very effective at lowering blood pressure, don’t expect overnight miracles: It frequently takes two to three months for significant
changes to start taking place and six to eight months for the vitamin D to take full effect. How much do you need? Well, recent research has reevaluated the safe upper limit for this vitamin, and
many experts now agree that it’s 10,000 IU daily (though some say it’s as low as 4,000 IU daily). But my target for optimal vitamin D intake is whatever it
takes to achieve a serum level of approximately 60 ng/ml. Since achieving this level will mean a different dose for everyone, it’s always best to work with your doctor to monitor your blood level of vitamin D.
The building blocks of healthy blood pressure Amino acids are the “building blocks” from which all proteins are made. In certain cases, supplementing
with them has led to lower blood pressure. At least one study devoted to each demonstrated that L-tryptophan and taurine can lower blood pressure in essential hypertension (high blood pressure with no known cause). The amount of L-tryptophan

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used was 3 grams daily. L-tryptophan has been available by prescription for two to three years now, but it also very recently became available over the counter once again (as it used to be until about 1989). At present, over-the-counter L-tryptophan can be found in a few natural food stores, compounding harmacies, and the Tahoma Clinic Dispensary.
Quantities of taurine used in the study were relatively large (but safe)––6 grams daily. However, when taurine is used in combination with other nutrients and botanicals, you need only 1 to 2 grams daily.
L-arginine has gained considerable “notoriety” lately as the precursor to nitric oxide (NO), the blood vessel-dilating metabolite essential to male sexual
function. However, that same blood vessel-dilating ability has been found to improve heart function in cases of congestive heart failure, and I’ve observed
cases in which this same blood vessel-dilating effect has lowered blood pressure. The benefits of metabolites: coenzyme Q10 and DHA
Metabolites are molecules made in our bodies from other (precursor) materials. Sometimes, directly supplying the body with extra quantities of certain
metabolites can be much more effective than supplying the precursor materials. This is definitely the case with coenzyme Q10, as our bodies make less and less of this metabolite as we grow older.
Coenzyme Q10 aids in metabolism in every cell in
the body. It’s found in greatest concentration in the mitochondria, the “energy engines” of the cells. It’s such an important metabolite that, even though it can be fairly expensive, I recommend a small amount (30 milligrams) for everyone over 60 and more (50 to 150 milligrams daily) for everyone with high blood pressure.
Another important metabolite that helps lower blood pressure levels is docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA (not to be confused with DHEA). This is an omega-3 fatty acid, a metabolite of the essential fatty acid called
alpha-linolenic acid. A recent study reported that 4 grams daily of DHA lowered blood pressure in hypertensive patients by a small but significant degree.
The garlic and herb recipe
for blood pressure success
Although you’ll encounter a few foods that your doctor will tell you to stay away from if you have high blood
pressure, there are certain foods and herbs that can help.
Garlic may not make for the freshest breath, but it does
usually help to lower blood pressure readings.
A lesser-known (but still important) blood pressurelowering botanical is olive leaf. Only powdered olive
leaf in capsule form is presently available in the United
States, and you should take 500 milligrams four times
daily. Like many of the items noted above, olive leaf
can take three to four months to show an effect.
Sarpaganda (better known in Western medicine as
rouwolfia) has been used in India for centuries to treat
ailments like fevers and snakebites. Early 20th century
pharmaceutical chemists searching for a “magic bullet,” single-ingredient, patentable, FDA-“approvable” drug treatment managed to isolate one of the active ingredients in sarpaganda––reserpine.
Herbalists have been telling us for most of the 20th century that it’s really better to use the whole herb containing the active ingredient(s), for at least two reasons. First, a smaller quantity of an active ingredient is usually effective because of synergistic effects of other parts of the herb––and the whole herb usually holds less potential danger than the isolated active ingredients. Second, herbalists have told us that combining the whole herb with other selected herbs can further lessen the quantity of each active ingredient necessary to achieve significant results and further lessen potential danger. But western physicians still went ahead using reserpine instead of whole natural sarpaganda to combat high blood pressure. Unfortunately, many of them prescribed excess dosages of reserpine. These excess dosages
caused various ailments, including depression and occasional suicide, so reserpine fell out of common use.

Unfortunately, since there’s not as much money to be made with the whole, natural herb itself, the medical world basically forgot about sarpaganda
after the problems with reserpine: Only a few practitioners outside of Ayurvedic medicine are even aware of its existence. Most of the sarpaganda products available these days combine this herb with others also useful forthe heart. Although side effects are rare and sarpaganda is definitely a very effective “big gun” in hypertension treatment, products containing sarpaganda are usually only available through health care practitioners.
I usually recommend sarpaganda as a part of the Ayurvedic combination, Cardiotone, which contains 50 milligrams of sarpaganda per capsule; take one
capsule three to four times daily. Cardiotone is available from the Tahoma Clinic Dispensary (425)264-0059; www.tahomadispensary.com.
An underactive thyroid: an often overlooked culprit
Incidence of hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) is higher in individuals with high blood pressure than in those with normal blood pressure. Even the
most up-to-date thyroid blood tests can miss instances
of “subclinical” hypothyroidism. Some signs of an underactive thyroid are low body temperature, dry skin,and a slow ankle reflex. It’s best to talk to your doctor if you think there’s a problem.
Make sure you know how much metal you’re really carrying around
Heavy metal toxicity is another often-overlooked cause of high blood pressure. But even if your doctor does test you for heavy metal toxicity, chances are the results won’t be accurate. That’s because blood tests
for heavy metals are virtually useless.
Since these toxic substances are damaging to so many different cell structures, your body clears them from your bloodstream as rapidly as possible. If there’s too much toxic metal to be immediately excreted
through your liver and kidneys (and there usually is), it gets tucked away in your bones or other less metabolically active tissue where it causes less immediate damage. So a blood test won’t necessarily pick up any toxicity—even if there’s a ton of it stored in your body
(well, not literally a ton, but you get the idea).
Unfortunately, wherever the unexcreted toxic metal is stored, it still does some damage, and if and when it’sfinally released from storage, it can do further damage.
Hair testing for toxic minerals isn’t much better than blood tests. If one or more metals are found to be high based on a hair test, there’s definitely a toxic mineral problem. But if the hair test comes back negative, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re free from heavy metal toxicity.
The best test for the presence of heavy metals is a chelation test. In my experience, more than 50 percent of individuals with blood pressure higher than 140/90 have significant excretion of toxic metals found by a
chelation test.
And if you do have heavy metal toxicity, chelation therapy will usually help lower your blood pressure.
Chelation therapy is an intravenous process that binds to the heavy metals and removes them from the body Oral chelation can also be effective, but it takes considerably longer and doesn’t necessarily remove as
much toxic metal.
For more information or advice about both chelation testing and treatment for toxic metals, consult a physician from any of the groups listed below
• The American College of Advancement in Medicine: (800)532-3688, www.acam.org
• The International College of Integrative Medicine: (866) 464-5226, www.icimed.com
• The American Academy of Environmental Medicine: (316)684-5500, www.aaem.com
• The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (866)538-2267, www.naturopathic.org
If you have high blood pressure, nearly all the diet
and supplementation ideas discussed (with the exception of sarpaganda) are safe to try with or without a doctor. If you don’t have high blood pressure but it runs in your family, it can’t hurt and may help in prevention to follow a few of the basic suggestions outlined in this section.

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Secret #3
Beyond cholesterol and blood pressure—two more heart risk factors you need to know about
The next cardiovascular risk factor on the list has been “generally accepted” as such for over a decade but is just now starting to make some noise in the
health world. It’s called C-reactive protein and some sources are saying it’s even more important than homocysteine and other risk factors. For instance, one recently published study of 27,939 women found women with elevated C-reactive protein levels were more likely to have a heart attack, stroke, and death from cardiovascular disease than those with elevated levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.
Regardless of whether it’s a more important risk factor than homocysteine or cholesterol, the point is that C-reactive protein is a risk factor and you should have your levels tested.
If your levels are elevated, the best way to tackle the problem is by reducing the inflammation the C-reactive protein is, well, reacting to. And in my experience, the best way to reduce inflammation is to concentrate on your omega-3/omega-6 fatty acid ratio. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered anti-tory; omega-6s are pro-inflammatory. So, to put it simply, you want more omega-3s than omega-6s.
Minimize (or even better, eliminate—at least temporarily) sources of omega-6 fatty acids, especially hydrogenated vegetable oils, which are present in many processed and packaged foods, like crackers, cookies, potato and corn chips. Read the labels of the
foods you pick up off the supermarket shelves. If it lists hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil as an ingredient, don’t buy it.
Next, if you aren’t already using it, switch to olive oil for cooking and flavoring your food. Nearly all other vegetable oils contain 100 percent omega-6 fatty acids. Also, even though nuts and seeds are generally very good foods, the essential fatty acids in almonds,
peanuts, and nearly every other nut or seed are mostly omega-6. So if your C-reactive protein levels are high, stick to walnuts and flaxseed (and its oil), which contain more omega-3 than omega-6 fatty acids. But the absolute best sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fish and fish oils. I recommend taking at least one tablespoonful of cod liver oil and 1,500 milligrams of DHA each daily. (Remember to take at least 400 IU vitamin E as mixed tocopherols whenever you take any extra essential fatty acids.)
Blood clots: Not just a stroke risk Fibrinogen is a protein involved in blood clotting. If it sounds familiar, you may have heard of it in terms
of its more well-known role as a stroke risk factor. But elevated fibrinogen levels are also a well-established, though very little known, independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. (Where’s that “National Fibrinogen Education Program” when you need it?) Like many other less than desirable changes, fibrinogen levels tend to increase with age—though researchers aren’t sure why.
However, one group of researchers has found that the spice turmeric (best known as an ingredient in the traditional Indian flavoring curry) and one of its components, curcumin, can lower elevated fibrinogen levels to normal. If testing shows your fibrinogen levelsare elevated, take either 500 milligrams of turmeric twice daily or 200-500 milligrams of curcumin daily.
Researchers have also found that eating fish two to three times a week or taking fish oil lowers fibrinogen levels by as much as 20 percent. Take 1 1/2 tablespoons of cod liver oil daily, along with 400 IU of vitamin E. Or if you simply can’t stand the oil, take a DHA/EPA supplement providing 2 to 3 grams of DHA daily.
Secret #4
How women can be saved from congestive heart failure

By the time she came in to see me at the Tahoma Clinic, Helen’s heart was so weak that she had to sleep propped up because of the fluid that was in her lungs. She had been taking three prescriptions to help her but still didn’t feel right. She was taking the usual group of medications for heart failure: digoxin, furosemide, and potassium.
I recommended a series of magnesium injections, taken intravenously, along with vitamin B6 . It sounds expensive and troublesome, but it really is the best method: For congestive heart failure, magnesium frequently works better when given by relatively rapid IV injection. In heart failure, the heart muscle cells are sometimes too weak to extract all the magnesium they should from the blood stream.
A fairly rapid IV injection forces magnesium in to the heart muscle cells, helping them to work better and be stronger. The shots are a bit of a bother, but magnesium––even intravenously––is cheap. And once magnesium is forced into the cells, they continue to take up more magnesium on their own. So, you don’t have to have this done on a regular basis.
The other recommendations I made for Helen wereones that she (and you) could take at home:
• Coenzyme Q10 , 60 milligrams three times daily.
• L-carnitine, 250 milligrams three times daily.
This takes care of congestive heart failure all by itself sometimes. It enables the heart muscle cells to use more sources of energy and to burn them
all more efficiently.
• Taurine, another naturally occurring amino acid like L-carnitine. It’s the most abundant amino acid found in the heart and is known to keep the electrical activity of the heart flowing smoothly. Take 1,500 milligrams twice daily between meals. The other supplements can be taken at any time.
• Hawthorn (the solid extract); take 250 milligrams of the standardized 10 percent proanthocyanidin extract three times daily. Hawthorn improves energy production in heart muscle cells and improves heart muscle contraction. It dilates coronary arteries, providing more blood flow. It also acts as a mild diuretic, can lower cholesterol, and can slow and possibly even reverse atherosclerosis a bit. After three months, Helen reported “feeling much stronger, not taking water pills at all, and sleeping flat with only one pillow like when I was younger.” At this point, I told her she could stop the magnesium injections and take magnesium capsules instead, along with
the other minerals she’d been taking. When she came back for her second follow-up visit, she reported that she had all her strength back and was working hard around the house and yard.
Of course, Helen’s exact treatment plan may not work for you. It’s best to check with your doctor to determine a supplement program tailored specifically to your needs.
Secret #5
The natural artery-cleaning program that starts in your stomach
Hernando wasn’t an old man, but his diseased arteries made it so difficult for him to get around that he could barely hobble into my office. As he put it, “I’m just waiting around for things to get bad enough so I can have my legs amputated.” Is your body starving itself of essential nutrients? It turned out that one of Hernando’s problems was a condition called hypochlorhydria, in which his stomach wasn’t digesting his food and nutrients efficiently.
This is by far the most common digestive problem we see at the Tahoma Clinic. It happens when the stomach doesn’t produce enough acid for digestion to proceed normally. In fact, according to one medical text book, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 10 to 15 percent of the general population have this problem. And if inefficient digestion isn’t corrected, then even the best of diets and supplementation won’t help.
Having seen first hand how many problems this condition can cause, I always recommend having stomach function tested.
One way to test this is by radiotelemetry using the Heidelberg capsule. To take this test, you’ll swallow a small, plastic capsule that contains electronic monitoring equipment. As it moves through the stomach and intestines, the capsule can measure the pH of the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine and transmit a signal, which you’ll receive through antennae that you wear outside your body. This information can help your doctor determine whether or not your stomach is

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producing adequate amounts of gastric acid. (This test can be obtained by contacting a doctor-member of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, or ACAM, at (800)532-3688, www.acam.org or the American Academy of Environmental Medicine AAEM at (316)684-5500, www.aaem.com.) Other laboratory clues can also help to diagnose this condition. One is a mineral analysis of a hair specimen. If six or more minerals are low, excluding sodium and potassium, have your stomach acid checked.
Although the mainstream medicine deals with the problem of low stomach acid by ignoring it or treating it with a bland diet, there is a much better solution.
But it must be monitored by a doctor. If your test results indicate low levels of stomach acid, it’s a good idea to supplement with either betaine hydrochloridepepsin (or glutamic-acid hydrochloride-pepsin) before meals. To start, I usually recommend taking one capsule (5, 7 1/2, or 10 grains) before each meal. After two or three days, if there are no problems, use two capsules in the early part of the meal, then increase
your dose to three capsules per meal several days later. The dose is gradually increased in this step-like fashion until it equals 40 to 70 grains per meal.
This method should only be used when testing indicates a need for it. Although problems rarely occur, they can be bad ones. Hydrochloric acid should never be used with aspirin, Butazolidin, Inodicin, Motrin, or
any other anti-inflammatory medications. Also, hydrochloric acid is usually taken in combination with pepsin. Stomachs that don’t produce adequate hydrochloric acid are presumed not to produce enough pepsin either. If during treatment you feel bad in any way—for
example, if you experience pain, burning, or additional gas—STOP. In certain cases, I’ve treated patients with small, gradually increased quantities of lemon juice or vinegar and found the effects to be similar to (but slightly less than) treatment with hydrochloric acid.
There’s a long list of diseases frequently associated with low stomach acidity: diabetes mellitus, both underactive and overactive thyroid problems, childhood asthma, eczema, gallbladder disease, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic hives, lupus, weak adrenal glands, chronic hepatitis, vitiligo, and rosacea, for example. Unfortunately, simply getting older is also associated with an increasing frequency of low stomach acidity. In fact, some investigations have found it in more than 50 percent of those over 60.
Hernando’s natural artery-cleaning program Hernando began the following natural “artery-cleaning” program that put him on the road to recovery:
• Vitamin C, 1 gram three times daily.
• Vitamin E, 800 units of the mixed tocopherol type daily.
• Inositol hexanicotinate, 1 gram three times daily.
(Vitamin E and inositol hexanicotinate can improve walking distance for individuals with
blood-flow impairment in the legs.)
• L-carnitine, 250 milligrams three times daily. This has also been shown to increase walking distance.
• Cod liver oil, 1 tablespoon daily or the equivalent in capsules. Fish oil makes platelets more slippery, reducing the risk of clotting, and as an
omega-3 fatty acid source reduces inflammation.
• A high-potency multiple vitamin-mineral. It’s always wisest to add a multiple to back up individual nutrients in high amounts.
• Chelation (IV treatment) with EDTA (a synthetic amino acid shown to improve circulation remarkably in some individuals with atherosclerosis) and magnesium. Taken intravenously, these absorb more efficiently.
Hernando’s results Hernando decided to take chelation therapy. He changed his diet, found he needed digestive aids, took all his supplements, and even took a small quantity of testosterone. Soon he was back walking at least two miles, three times every week, without sitting down once.
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Secret #6
Two signs on your body that may point to heart trouble

There are some physical signs to look for on your body that can be used as a basis for further investigation or treatment. Of course, this method isn’t 100 percent accurate––and you must keep in mind that self-diagnosis can be tricky and deceptive. Any serious symptoms deserve medical attention. With that said, these physical signs can be a great starting point on your way to good health.
A message to your heart written on your earlobes If you have diagonal creases across your earlobes, it may be a sign of increased susceptibility to cardiovascular disease. If you’re eating right, getting regular exercise, and taking vitamin E, it’s probably not anything to worry about. But just to be on the safe side,you may want to have your cholesterol, triglyceride, homocysteine, and C-reactive protein levels checked.
Beware of a pink nose and rosy cheeks If you have dilated capillaries in your cheeks and nose (a red nose or rosy cheeks), it could be a sign of low
stomach acidity. (See secret #5 on page 27.) This means that you may not be properly digesting and absorbing important nutrients, supplements, or medications. Also, low production of hydrochloric acid and
pepsin in the stomach is associated with hardened arteries, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, and even obesity––all of which can spelltrouble for your heart.

Secret #7
Putting an end to agonizing chest pain
John had been having angina chest pains for three years when he came to the Tahoma Clinic for the first time. He had been to a cardiologist who
gave him a “treadmill electrocardiogram” test and an angiogram. He was told that several of his arteries had some blockage but that it wasn’t too severe.
He was taking two prescriptions, nitroglycerin (he was currently taking six to eight pills every week and calcium channel blockers. And his doctor had recommended that he take vitamin E, although he couldn’t assure him of its efficacy.
John’s wife had already changed their diet at home to whole grains, no chemicals, less meat, more fish, and more vegetables. John underwent a
physical exam and was checked for key minerals, blood levels of homocysteine, and “C-reactive protein.” He also underwent routine testing for cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels, triglycerides, kidney functioning, and allergies. In addition to diet changes and supplements, chelation therapy is usually very helpful for relieving angina and improving circulation. To make sure chelation therapy is safe, kidney functioning must be monitored.
I recommended that John take the following supplements:
• Vitamin E, 800 IU daily to start.
• L-carnitine, 500 milligrams.
• Coenzyme Q10
, 100 milligrams.
• Magnesium (aspartate), 125 milligrams.
All of these should be taken three times daily. In addition, I advised John to take a high-potency vitamin-mineral supplement with at least 50 milligrams of vitamin B6 , 800 milligrams of folate, and 500 micrograms of vitamin B12
In addition to taking the recommended magnesium supplement by mouth, John must also come to the Tahoma Clinic for a short series of intravenous magnesium injections. And, along with the suggested chelation therapy, he also used mineral replacement IVs to replace any beneficial minerals that may have been lost during the therapy.
Testosterone can be extremely valuable in strengthening the heart muscle, so I also recommended that John have his serum levels tested. Like many individuals, John had inefficient stomach function, with low production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. I advised him to take supplemental hydrochloric acid and pepsin with his meals. Without these, his body wouldn’t have been able to make optimal use of his food and dietary supplements. Two weeks to dramatic angina pain reduction John’s cholesterol and triglyceride tests were both slightly abnormal; his testosterone was OK. Since his kidney function tests were normal, he went ahead with chelation therapy. He made sure to stick to his healthy diet, took the vitamin E, L-carnitine, coenzyme Q10 , magnesium (both orally and injected), as well as a “back-up” high-potency vitamin-mineral.
John’s angina started to diminish just two weeks after his program started. By six weeks, he was down to only two “nitros” per week, and after six
months, he was off all medications and free of chest pain unless he exerted himself maximally. John undertook a gradually increasing exercise program after four months, and after one year could run two miles without angina. Five years later, he remains free of any chest pain.
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http://wrightnewsletter.com/hn_pdfs/nah/Library_of_Food_and_Vitamin_Cures.pdf "LIBRARY of Food and Vitamin Cures"

Последний раз редактировалось qwer; 22.11.2012 в 07:31..
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Старый 22.11.2012, 08:26   #89
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C-реактивный белок (англ. C-reactive protein, CRP) — белок плазмы крови, относящийся к группе белков острой фазы, концентрация которых повышается при воспалении. Играет защитную роль, связывая бактериальный полисахарид Streptococcus pneumoniae. С-реактивный белок используется в клинической диагностике наряду с СОЭ как индикатор воспаления.
С-реактивный белок. Биохимический анализ крови СРБ
С-реактивный белок или СРБ очень чувствительный элемент крови, быстрее других реагирующий на повреждения тканей. Наличие реактивного белка в сыворотке крови — признак воспалительного процесса, травмы, проникновения в организм чужеродных микроорганизмов — бактерий, паразитов, грибов. С-реактивный белок стимулирует защитные реакции, активизирует иммунитет.
Содержание СРБ в сыворотке крови — до 0.5 мг/л считается нормой. Уже через 4—6 часов, после того, как в организм проникает инфекция, развивается воспалительный процесс, который может сопровождаться опухолями, уровень СРБ начинает быстро расти. Чем острее воспалительный процесс, активнее заболевание, тем выше ц-реактивный белок в сыворотке крови. Когда заболевание в хронической форме переходит в фазу ремиссии, то содержание С-реактивного белка в крови практически не обнаруживается. Как наступает обострение, СРБ снова начинает расти.
Определение СБР используется для диагностики острых инфекционных заболеваний и опухолей. Также анализ СРБ используется для контроля над процессом лечения, эффективности антибактериальной терапии и т.д.
Биохимический анализ крови СРБ может показать рост С-реактивного белка в крови в следующих случаях:
ревматические заболевания
заболевания желудочно-кишечного тракта
инфаркт миокарда
сепсис новорожденных
послеоперационные осложнения.
Повышение СРБ происходит при приеме эстрогенов и оральных контрацептивов.
Пройти обследование и сдать биохимический анализ крови СРБ, Вы всегда можете в нашем медицинском центре «Евромедпрестиж». Без записи и очередей.
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Старый 22.11.2012, 10:21   #90
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Доктор Джонатан Райт рекомендует принимать никотинамид и глюкосамин при артрите.
Никотинамид (Nicotinamide) — витаминное средство. По строению близок к никотиновой кислоте, химическая формула: C6H6N2O, синоним — витамин РР.
Ликвидирует дефицит витамина PP, как и ниацин (никотиновая кислота).
Представляет собой важный компонент кодегидрогеназы I (НАД) и II (НАДФ), участвующих в окислительно-восстановительных процессах в клетке. Участвует в метаболизме жиров, протеинов, аминокислот, пуринов, тканевом дыхании, гликогенолизе. Не оказывает выраженного сосудорасширяющего действия, при его применении не наблюдается покраснения кожных покровов и ощущения «прилива» крови к голове. Оказывает противопеллагрическое действие.
Гипо- и авитаминоз РР, а также состояния повышенной потребности организма в витамине РР: неполноценное и несбалансированное питание (в том числе парентеральное), мальабсорбция (в том числе на фоне нарушения функции поджелудочной железы), быстрое похудение, сахарный диабет, длительная лихорадка, гастрэктомия, болезнь Хартнупа, заболевания гепатобилиарной области (острый и хронический гепатит, цирроз), гипертиреоз, хронические инфекции, заболевания ЖКТ (гипо- и анацидный гастрит, энтероколит, колит, глутеновая энтеропатия, персистирующая диарея, тропическая спру, болезнь Крона), злокачественные опухоли, заболевания орофарингеальной области, длительный стресс), беременность (особенно при никотиновой и лекарственной зависимости, многоплодная беременность), период лактации.
Гиперчувствительность, язвенная болезнь желудка и 12-перстной кишки (в стадии обострения). C осторожностью. Геморрагии, глаукома, сахарный диабет, подагра, гиперурикемия, заболевания печени, артериальная гипотензия, гиперацидный гастрит, язвенная болезнь желудка и 12-перстной кишки (вне стадии обострения).
Побочные действия
После в/в введения: редко — аллергические реакции (кожная сыпь, кожный зуд, стридорозное дыхание). При приеме высоких доз внутрь: аритмия, головокружение, диарея, сухость кожи и слизистой оболочки глаз, гипергликемия, глюкозурия, жажда, гиперурикемия, миалгия, тошнота, рвота, пептическая язва, изнуряющий кожный зуд. При длительном применении — жировая дистрофия печени, холестаз.
Способ применения и дозы
Внутрь, п/к, в/м, в/в. Лечебные дозы назначаются индивидуально соответственно тяжести авитаминоза РР, профилактические — соответственно суточной потребности. Внутрь, после еды. При пеллагре — по 50-100 мг 3-4 раза в сутки, в течение 15-20 дней, для профилактики взрослым — 15-25 мг, детям — 5-10 мг 1-2 раза в сутки. При др. заболеваниях взрослым — по 20-50 мг, детям — по 5-10 мг 2-3 раза в сутки. В/в, в/м и п/к — по 1-2 мл 1 %, 2,5 %, 5 % раствора 1-2 раза в день со скоростью введения не более 2 мг/мин.
Особые указания
Для профилактики гиповитаминоза РР наиболее предпочтительно сбалансированное питание. Продукты, богатые витамином РР — дрожжи, печень, орехи, яичный желток, молоко, рыба, курица, мясо, бобовые, греча, неочищенное зерно, зеленые овощи, земляные орехи, любая белковая пища, содержащая триптофан. Тепловая обработка молока не изменяет содержание в нём витамина РР. В процессе лечения необходимо контролировать функцию печени. Для предупреждения развития жировой дистрофии печени рекомендуется включать в диету продукты, богатые метионином, или назначать метионин и др. липотропные ЛС. Никотинамид не используют в качестве гиполипидемического средства. Для снижения раздражающего эффекта на слизистую оболочку ЖКТ рекомендуют препарат запивать молоком.
Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C) is a naturally occurring phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and kale. NOW® I3C provides powerful antioxidant protection, helping to prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals. In addition, I3C can help to maintain healthy hormonal balance for both men and women and therefore may support the health of the breast, prostate, and other reproductive organs. I3C is also known to support the liver's detoxification processes as well as normal cellular reproduction. LinumLife® Complex provides the highest level of Flax Lignans available, which are also beneficial in supporting healthy hormone balance.*
Suggested Usage
As a dietary supplement, take 1 Vcap® 1 to 3 times daily, preferably with food. Consider taking this product in combination with NOW® AHCC® and Immune Renew™.
Consider taking these other NOW® products: AHCC® 500 mg - 60 Vcaps®, Immune Renew™ - 90 Vcaps®

Последний раз редактировалось qwer; 22.11.2012 в 09:52..
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